What is the importance of Arafat during Hajj

· Hajj,Travel

Millions of Muslims make the Hajj pilgrimage every year at the same time. Every Muslim knows how important Hajj is for Islam. Every sane and capable man and woman must do the ritual at least once in their lives. Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam, and it is done in the Islamic month of Zil-Hajj. The Day of Arafat is the ninth day of Zil-Hajj. The first rituals, such as Talbiyah, Miqat, Tawaf, and Sa'ey, are done on the first eight days. On the Day of Arafat, people go to the mountain plain of Arafat to pray and ask their Lord for help. One Hadith says, "Hajj is Arafat," which means that this day is the whole point of Hajj. This is a very important day. You can perform umrah after booking the umrah group packages 2023.

Mount Arafat is in the plain of Arafat, about 22 km east of the holy city of Makkah. The holy mountain is also called the "mount of mercy," and that's where Best 5 star Hajj packages pilgrims spend the whole day. One of the most important parts of Hajj is spending the day at Arafat, and if someone doesn't do this, their Hajj isn't valid. On the 9th Zil-Hajj, after pilgrims pray Fajr at Mina, they must move toward the plain of Arafat. "The Holy Prophet PBUH stayed in Mina until dawn, then left and went to Arafat, where a tent was set up for Him at Namirah. He (PBUH) told people to get Al-Quswah ready for him.

In Islam, the Day of Arafat is very important because Allah SWT swore by it in Surah al Burooj, and He only swears by things that are great and powerful. He SWT wrote in the Holy Quran, "By the sky that knows so many stars. And by the day promised. And (by) the witness and what is seen."

The day of the vow is the Day of Judgment, the day of the witness is the Day of Arafat, and the day of the witness is Friday.

On the Day of Arafat, it's best for pilgrims to move slowly. Someone once asked Usamah bin Zaid, "How fast was Allah's Messenger when he left Arafat during Hajj? He Usamah replied, "Muhammad PBUH walks slowly, but if there were enough room, He SAWW would make His camel go very fast."

When going from Mina to Arafat, pilgrims should say the Talbiyah, the Takbir, the Tahleel, and the Tasbeeh. They need to pray Dhuhr and Asr by combining two Salah with one adhan and one iqama. When you get to the top of Mount Arafat, pray to Allah (SWT) and ask for forgiveness for your sins. Our prophet, Muhammad, said,

"The best Dua is Dua on the Day of Arafat, and the best thing I and the Prophets before me have said is "Laa ilaaha ill-Allah wahdahu la shareeka lah, lahu'l mulk wa lahu'l-hamd wa huwa 'ala kulli shay'in qadeer." (Allah is the only God, and he has no partners or assistants. He is the ruler, and all praise is due to him.)

Reasons why Day of Arafat has so much Importance in Islam

In Islam, the Day of Arafat is very important and has a lot of meaning. It is an important part of the annual pilgrimage, and millions of people come here to cry and ask Allah Almighty to forgive them. Let's talk about some of the many important things about this day in Islam.

On this day, Islam reached its peak: On the Day of Arafat, Allah SWT finished and perfected Islam as a religion. The Day of Arafat is a celebration of the end of God's message. Tariq bin Shibab said that some Jews said, "If this verse had been revealed to us, we would have celebrated Eid today." Umar RA asked, "What Verse?" They said, "On this day (referring to the Day of Arafat), I (Allah SWT) have finished your religion, ended my favours to you, and made Islam your religion." Umar RA said, "I know where that place is. It was revealed while Allah's Messenger was staying at Arafat."

Umar RA said, "I know where that place is. It was revealed while Allah's Messenger was staying at Arafat."

Day of Thanksgiving: Muslims celebrate and party on this special day because it is a holy day. The Day of Arafat is a good time to show gratitude, be good, and get a reward. Uqbah bin Amir said that he said, "For us, Eid is the Day of Arafat, the Day of Nahr, and the Days of Tashriq."

Day of Forgiveness: If you fast on the Day of Arafat, your sins from last year and the coming year are forgiven. It was the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet PBUH to fast on the Day of Arafat. Abu Qutaadah said that when Allah's Messenger was asked about fasting on the Day of Arafat, he said, "It makes up for the sins of last year and next year." Pilgrims need to remember that fasting is only for people who aren't pilgrims. People at Arafat don't have to fast, because the Prophet (PBUH) didn't fast on the Day of Arafat.

Help from the Fire of Hell: This holy day gives you a chance like no other to be safe from the fires of hell forever and to be forgiven for all your sins. On the Day of Arafat, Allah SWT tells His angels how proud He is of His creation, which stands at Arafat. Hazrat Ayesha RA said that the Messenger of Allah said, "On the Day of Arafat, Allah frees more of His servants from Hell than on any other day." HeSWT gets close to them, then praises them to the angels and asks, "What do these want?"

Hajj can't happen without Arafat: Pilgrims must stand on Mount Arafat because it is an important part of Hajj, and if they don't, their Hajj won't count. Muhammad (PBUH) says, "The Hajj is Arafat, the Hajj is Arafat, and the Hajj is Arafat." This shows how important it is. There are three days in Mina. But if someone leaves quickly in two days, he doesn't sin, and if he stays, he doesn't sin either. And whoever sees the Arafat before the sun rises at Fajr has done the Hajj. You can also book cheap packages to umrah to perform umrah if you have not enough budget to perform Hajj.